Picture of

Stephane Carriere

Picture of

Fanny Carriere

Vice President Finance
Picture of

Antony Carriere

Vice President Sales
Picture of

Felix Marier

Sales Assistant - Project Manager
Picture of

Marilou Castonguay

Account Manager
Picture of

Emile Langlais-Ouellette

Product Specialist - Technical Support
Picture of

Illia Adamchuk

Product Specialist - Installation
Picture of

Shanny Gauthier

PAIR Program Manager
Picture of

Nancy Yacoub

PAIR Program Manager
Picture of

Pierre-Alain Gelinas-Girard

Director of development
Picture of

Pierre Provencher

Senior Programmer Analyst
Picture of

Hugues Perreault

Senior Programmer Analyst
Picture of

Amine Chouaiekh

Analyst Programmer
Picture of

Patrice Rousseau

Analyst Programmer
Picture of

Sophia-Ly Morin

Administrative assistant
Picture of

Line Vincent

Financial Controller
Picture of

Andrée Toupin

Accountant technician
Picture of

